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Experience Less Acid and More Joy!

Fill out our form below for your free 7-day supply of Coffee Tamer.

  • Relieve Heartburn.png__PID:8a4d8f8e-6a99-418a-b11a-5b7d43d2bf84
  • Relieve Acid Reflux.png__PID:0d8a4d8f-8e6a-4971-8af1-1a5b7d43d2bf
  • Relieves Upset Stomach.png__PID:4d8f8e6a-9971-4af1-9a5b-7d43d2bf8447
  • Reduce Tooth Erosion.png__PID:5e0d8a4d-8f8e-4a99-b18a-f11a5b7d43d2
  • Promotes Esophageal Health.png__PID:0d5e0d8a-4d8f-4e6a-9971-8af11a5b7d43
  • Promote Urinary Tract Health.png__PID:df0d5e0d-8a4d-4f8e-aa99-718af11a5b7d

Make Any Coffee a Low Acid Coffee

With Coffee Tamer® Acid-Reducing Granules

Our Family Cares About Your Digestive System!

Coffee Tamer is a family owned and operated business in Everett, WA. We make products that we use and enjoy every day. We hope they give you joy, too!